Web-based BI-Tools for Cooperation, Process Control and Planning in Healthcare

More time for change – empowering executives
The complex balance between patient-oriented, financial and administrative aspects of clinical life is one element that any decision-maker at hospitals, authorities, insurances or healthcare facilities needs to keep in mind. In addition, they need information on secondary processes, politics and demographics, in order to answer strategic questions on future development. Implementing all of these certainly may seem like a bold notion to say the least.

However, we believed that this dream could be brought to life and created miralytik.hospital® - a unique business intelligence tool for hospital management.

Thanks to state-of-the-art online technology and intelligent concepts, we display data in a new and intuitive way so that, by having full access to this information, all board members can work together and invest their time in developing solutions as well as communicating, implementing, and monitoring changes.

Our modern, tool-based consulting concept aims to relieve executives by providing them with quick access to useful and relevant courses of action and helping them to solve problems. Decisions can be made objectively and reliably, thanks to multidimensional, in-depth analysis tools that integrate specific aspects of medicine and care within the management and administration departments.

Cleverly designed dashboards clearly display multifaceted analyses and efficient KPIs for transparent and reliable decisions and easy monitoring. This allows managers and executives to start immediately converting knowledge into cooperative action.
Standard modules
  • Performance/Portfolio
  • Out-patient potential (AOP catalogue 2023 & iGES list)
  • Care CM
  • Clinical Processes
  • Costs and Revenues
  • OPS-to-DRG-Monitor
  • High-Care
  • Market- and Competitor Analysis
  • Portfolio Prognosis
  • Multidimensional Benchmarks
  • Medical Supply Management
  • Staff Monitoring
  • Data Quality

What makes miralytik.hospital so unique?

Focus on medicine and processes

Analysis and dashboard design focuses on medicine, care and related processes. This creates a new take on meaningful and reasonable KPI making it easy to find sensitive components in daily workflows and to understand their causes and effects in order to establish new routines.

Cooperation and networking 
miralytik.hospital integrates various perspectives and specialties from a diverse management board: clinical management (medicine and care), financial management, administration and controlling departments. This enhances interdisciplinary cooperation and determines a common goal. Quality of patient care depends on optimal workflows, which in turn goes hand in hand with a hospital’s economic stability. 

Easy, intuitive and inspiring
miralytik.hospital sets new standards for hospital data- and web-based management tools. Accessible and clearly designed dashboards provide a quick overview as well as easy access to deeper levels of insight offering maximum detail and broad background knowledge. This enables fact-based, informed decisions whose impact can be monitored directly.

Online, readily available, dynamic
miralytik.hospital operates on a web-based basis, meaning it can be implemented very quickly, bypassing time-consuming IT projects and local installations. Full implementation in a hospital or even a corporation is feasible within two weeks.

Safety and highest standards of data protection 
miralytik.hospital meets the strict data protection requirements of regional, federal and EU law.

  • Encrypted data transfer (TLS/SSL)
  • Encrypted data storage
  • Data centre and servers located in Germany (certified according to ISO IEC 27001 Information Security Management Systems – Requirements)
  • Extensive user role and authorization capabilities

Contract work

We also develop customized dashboards and analysis for individual requests or special tasks. Please contact us for further information.

What can we do for you?
Give us a call: +49 40 696 3819 0 or send an e-mail: contact@miralytik.de